S1 Festival – Konzerte

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Tickets für die Konzerte gibt es hier!

Cosey Mueller (Freitag)


Emerging from the depths of Berlin’s underground scene, Cosey Mueller is a self made musician who explores electronic sounds in the most intuitive way, never forgetting her love for rock n roll.  After releasing her debut album ,Interior Escapes, in 2021 she is back with a new release ‚Irrational Habits‘ in 2023.  Her music is characterised by repetitive synth melodies, explosive beats, expressive vocals and a playful use of language. It makes you travel to another time, not making sure if that time ever existed. A pulsating, shimmering and danceable live experience is guaranteed. 

Bracco (Freitag)

Bracco 1 © Mathieu Teissier

© Mathieu Teissier

Recorded with French producer Paulie Jan, Bracco’s first release sets a sound drawn from the fragile borders of dark club music, experimental and Rock n’ Roll. Making use of the members power, anger and Internal darkness in order to achieve their beastly sounds. Since their First E.P released in late 2018, the Parisian duo have succeeded at maintaining a concentrated surge with their relentless live performances across France and Europe, and the far reaches of La Reunion. The Record “Grave” is an echo of these fierce shows, representative of the lives of members Baptiste et Loren, filled with continuous feelings of challenge, in an attempt to try and make you feel something.

Nils Keppel (Freitag)


© Marina Monaco

Letzten Sommer noch wurde Nils Keppel als Geheimtipp gehandelt, im Eiltempo avancierte der 23-Jährige mit Songs wie »222« und »Wellblech« zum Protagonisten einer der aufregendsten Strömungen der jüngeren Musikgeschichte. Was als frenetische Ein-Mann-Show wortwörtlich im Untergrund – vor einer Handvoll Dichtgedrängter in süddeutschen Kellerräumen –, begann, ist schnell zu einer musikalischen tour de force gewachsen. Nils Keppel und seine dreiköpfige Live-Band bespielten im Zuge des diesjährigen Festival-Sommers alles: vom Reeperbahn Festival bis zum legendären Berliner Club Tresor. Jetzt bringt der gebürtig aus Kandel in Rheinland-Pfalz stammende Multiinstrumentalist seinen eigensinnigen Entwurf von Post-Punk und Noise-Pop ins KOMMA

Horizontaler Gentransfer (Samstag)


Horizontal gene transfer refers movement of genetic information across normal mating barriers – like memes or k-pop cultures spreading through smartphones or iPads. We, 6 female artists with migration background, are looking for an experimental way to research about – mode, infection and migration – with text, music and visual elements on 21st october in KOMMA esslingen!

Lover Buffet (Samstag)

Lover Buffet 1 - Photo by Andrea Rojas

© Andrea Rojas

Lover Buffet is a self-produced musician and visual artist based in Berlin, whose performances range from gentle to electrifying. Often recording their surroundings – like flickering fluorescent lights or rhythmic cicadas on a hot summer’s day in Greece – they transform those to create sonic velvet textures. Lover Buffet explores themes of love, heartbreak, philosophy, and self-determination through plush nostalgic synth lines and words that will stay with you.

Neumatic Parlo (Samstag)

credit_Max Müller 01

© Max Müller

Neumatic Parlo play melancholic psychedelic pop. Gloomy lyrics meet delicate melodies and dreamy soundscapes. Vincent Göttler, Justin Jansen, Luis Wedekind, Frederick Oltersdorf and Simon Hartmann create a sound that is simultaneously international but with Motorik, synthesizers and rattling guitars always rooted in the tradition of their hometown. As if he were an antihero of the early 80s, Göttler sings about fear, doubt and a long search. The answer whether he will find what he is looking for is still pending, but the existential need already sounds just like honey.

She-Dog (Samstag)


In five easy steps to the ultimate loss of control with she-dog. On their debut EP MORE DRAMA, she-dog sing about the joys of self-determined emotional chaos. In five stomping, glittering punk hybrids, the band dances on the tightrope between pain and ecstasy, playing with stereotypes like a snotty kid breaking their doll, covering it in finger paint and rearranging it into new shapes. The songs uncoil, fall apart, suddenly reassemble, hackles raised, teeth bared. The trio comes crawling out of the darkest recesses of post-punk to create its own sound somewhere between she-punk, goth and garage. Seemingly simple and mantra-like, shroud themselves in ambiguity, illuminating their own entanglement in a web of inherited addictions and desires crying out for expression. Tracks like der zucker ist aus, marriage und babies paint grotesquely exaggerated relationship dynamics, yet remain
unclear about whether we are witnessing a biting satire on bourgeois life realities or a displaced utopia of the perverse in which violent relationships are being transformed into self-determined play. Despite this complexity, she-dog give new life to the ossified structures of what used to be subversive rock clichés. With MORE DRAMA, they deliver a clear commitment to exuberant emotionality. i feel ok and no love are anthems to the wholesome emotional outburst that seethes beneath everyday expressions of well-being. The „yes“ to loss of control as a „no“ to self-circumcision. The songs collected here are hurtful and vulnerable, biting and seductive at the same time. Some listeners may be shocked, but sometimes novelty initially manifests itself as terror. The band’s volatile identity is also expressed in the split vocals, who seamlessly transition from gasps to shrieks, from sighs to
screams, from kisses to howls. Their voices overdrive and tumble over clouds of reverb and noise. The driving rhythm section focuses these energies and binds the songs together before the euphoric decay they are headed for. MORE DRAMA is a gift to all the indecisively, determined for the seekers who found a home within the search. For born freaks and those who have grown into them. An EP for the wildly dancing scum.